02 September 2012


The faintest blush appears on the Sedum spectabile, like the pinkish-red glow on evening clouds as the sun sets. Acorns swell on the young oak trees in the field nearby; on the street the berries on the rowan trees glow yellow, orange or red. At eight in the evening, the light leaks out of the sky. September and Autumn have truly arrived. The twilight coolness, the mistiness in the air some mornings, the low angle of the light; all are a reminder that in spite of Indian-Summer weather, the season has turned.

In the garden, the ferns still hold their own, the tomatoes are finally ripening, the slanting light of evening is caught and held by the bamboos, and a photographer makes some lovely images.

Last week a full moon shone on the birthdays of two dear friends; this week my son's birthday--and also my late brother's--is just around the corner.

Happy happy birthday CM. See you soon.
Happy birthday too to DW and JW.

A short one this week.
Have a good week all.
Sedum spectabile blushes at the onset of Autumn
Autumn prises open the Sedum spectabile buds

Acorns swell
Rowan berries glow

An early morning run for some dogs, Iz looks on
Ferns are still fine
At last...

Bamboos catch the evening light


  1. Thanks a mil for birthday greetings. Im looking forward to planting Tom Thumb! You're writing makes nature sound so romantic, a blush of this a swelling of that.... I just love reading your blog!
